The holidays are here!


Full confession: I was worried this collection wasn’t going to happen! I had to forgo my Fall collection to keep up with orders, but I just couldn’t let that happen again. Not to Christmas! So while I had designs for about 80 or 90 pieces I wanted to make, I had to restrain myself a bit. But that doesn’t mean I limited the fun. This is the best time of year, after all! 

Let’s dig in!  

I made this collection with a healthy combination of floral bundles, holiday decor, and limited-edition gifts. There are new varieties of peonies and roses that will work beautifully on their own or mixed with pieces from my Perennial Collection for those who want to get more creative or are adding to a collection.

And luckily, I’ve been ready with my supply of snow globes since June! I look forward to making these tiny trees all year. I’m excited about the fun combinations of colors that made the cut this season. It was a grueling process narrowing down these choices, let me tell you! 

To round things out, I created a lovely minimalistic wreath that will look great left up all year long—because these days, who even knows what month it is anyway!

That should do it!! I’d love to hear what you think. Or better yet, since Christmas is going to be here before we know it, and there are only but so many hours left for me to make flowers, I’d love it if everyone got their orders in early!

I’m excited to see which are your favorites. More peeks below, or check out the full set of options available here.