A lovely start to 2021: The Valentine’s Day Collection


As the first holiday of the year, I wanted to use Valentine’s Day to bring a little optimism to 2021. Winter isn’t my favorite time of year, and I know I can always use some extra help remembering that sunnier times are on the way.

So since I may have ventured a bit beyond the traditional Valentine’s palette, I hope you don’t mind a little pop of color to start your year.

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What’s new? 

Ranunculus—and lots of them! 

I’m not going to say I spent my time off making ranunculus in every color under the sun, but once I started, I just couldn’t let it go. I successfully recreated one of my favorite market buys of 2020 and figured, why not share the wealth! Pick out your favorite hue, or mix and match a couple of your favorites while they last.

Mini Potted Plants

I discovered the snowdrop bulbs in my front bed popping up right around the new year and decided to make a few mini paper versions to celebrate. So they wouldn’t feel lonely, I paired them with equally as lovely crocuses. Hopefully, these make everyone feel as excited about spring as I do. 

New additions to The Perennial Collection

I added three new sets of roses just in time for Valentine’s Day, including one of my new favorites—Country Blues Garden Roses! Also, to help make gifting a little easier, I’ve started stocking a handful of vessels that you can add to your selections of stems. I’d love to know what you think of these options or if you would like to see more of them available here.

Enjoy all of the new goodies, and I hope your year is off to a lovely start!