Rethinking studies
When I launched these studies in July, I made it my goal to post and list a new piece for sale every Friday. Well, today I'm breaking that streak!
Over the past couple of weeks, it's dawned on me that the pressure of fitting in these projects has become a bit more stressful than fun. Last week I picked up arrangements from a local grower that were full of fun blooms to try, but I needed to wrap up a few orders first. By the time I got around to them, they were dead. What a depressing way to realize you're behind schedule!
I'd rather get back to the root of why I started doing studies in the first place—to experiment with new techniques, to test out ideas for custom orders, or just to make something because I want to! I'm freeing myself of a set schedule and the pressure of fitting yet another thing onto my weekly lists.
So now that that's off my chest—here's what I did work on this week. I picked up these gorgeous roses while I was getting some groceries at Whole Foods. I am a sucker for roses, and these could not be passed up! After asking some experts (and a little googling), I'm pretty sure they're Pink Mondial. What I love about them is the looping inner petals and the leaf-like ruffled outer layers that slowly turn to an ivory/green.
I wrapped up a decent batch of these, and after the first few I figured out a technique I'm going to use on another custom order as well. I'm not sure exactly what my plans are for these yet, but I think they might play a part in the winter/holiday collection I'm already working on. Yes, I realize today is the first day of fall, but now I'm excited about winter. That has to be a first!
Next week I've got another gorgeous Paperversary reveal, a custom order I've been excited to share, and I'm working on a few new things for Strange's Fall Fest that's coming up just around the corner. Until next time—have a great weekend!