Alex & Ramah’s Dahlia-Filled Wedding Bouquet Recreation
In the height of Dahlia season, I can't help but recall this gorgeous dahlia-filled bouquet I made for Alex to gift his beautiful bride Ramah, last August!
Up to this point, this bouquet was one of the most sizeable pieces I had been able to recreate. With almost 50 stems, this beauty featured huge dinnerplate-sized breakout dahlias, ivory dahlias, anemone, lisianthus blooms and buds, ranunculus, waxflower, blue eryngium thistle, ferns, and eucalyptus.
I matched the loose, hand-tied style of the bouquet for the final presentation, but also thought these stems looked lovely gathered in one of my pieces of pottery. Ramah will be able to enjoy many designs with this many stems if she ever gets bored!
I've been making lots of dahlias over the past few weeks for upcoming projects, but I can't share those yet. In the meantime, I'll see if I can dig up any others from previous projects I've forgotten to share!
Wedding bouquet photos provided by client