Josh & Kari’s Dahlia & Rose Anniversary Bouquet
There’s something so perfect about the combination of roses and dahlias, isn’t there? This bouquet I made for Josh to give to his wife Kari for their first anniversary was chock full of both—and it was glorious. As soon as he sent me the photos from their wedding, I couldn’t wait to get to work!
The versatile combination of would look just as lovely in the spring as it did for their early November wedding. Featuring deep Bordeaux dahlias, pale pink garden roses, pale pink and spring green spray roses, and dusty miller and eucalyptus foliage, it’s one for the records!
And lucky for Kari, she now has a set of these blooms to enjoy year-round, for years to come! Honestly, I’m jealous—maybe I need to make some of these for myself!
Wedding bouquet photos provided by client
Here’s what Josh had to say about the project:
“Everything went great this past weekend and the flowers were a hit! An excited “It’s my bouquet,” escaped her lips when she first saw it followed by a big smile. ”
“I took a good look at the flowers after she had her moment and the work you put into getting them to look like they do is just astounding. Even the detail like flowers that are not open all from paper is beautiful. Thank you so much for the work you did and helping make the day as special as it was.”
It’s not hard to see why these projects are my favorites. If you’d like to get on my list for a Paper Anniversary bouquet of your own, head over to this page.