2021: A spectrum of Paperversaries!

A new year, a new collection of Paperversary projects! These wedding bouquet recreations—typically gifted for first anniversaries—have become my specialty over the years. I love making them, and I’m honored to share special occasions with many loving couples.
To recap the colorful array of projects I made in 2021, I’ve added another annual Gallery, and below, you can find side-by-side comparisons to flip through. Lots of projects this year!
2021 Paperversary Project Gallery
(For best viewing, click on an image and flip through the gallery!)
Interested in a Paperversary Bouquet?
I'm already booking Paperversary orders as far as August of this year, so if you have an anniversary coming up and would like me to create a wedding bouquet replica for you or your spouse, send me a note. All of the information about these projects can be found on this page.