2021: A spectrum of Paperversaries!

A new year, a new collection of Paperversary projects! These wedding bouquet recreations—typically gifted for first anniversaries—have become my specialty over the years. I love making them, and I’m honored to share special occasions with many loving couples.

To recap the colorful array of projects I made in 2021, I’ve added another annual Gallery, and below, you can find side-by-side comparisons to flip through. Lots of projects this year!

For more of these projects, keep up with my Instagram feed for projects I haven’t had a chance to share yet, or check out the archive for all of the pieces I’ve posted so far and the Galleries tab for my yearly recaps!

2021 Paperversary Project Gallery


(For best viewing, click on an image and flip through the gallery!)

Interested in a Paperversary Bouquet?

I'm already booking Paperversary orders as far as August of this year, so if you have an anniversary coming up and would like me to create a wedding bouquet replica for you or your spouse, send me a note. All of the information about these projects can be found on this page.