A fresh start! Introducing The 2022 Valentine’s Day Collection

A fresh start! Introducing The 2022 Valentine’s Day  Collection

If you’re like me, you’ve just (barely) put away your Christmas decorations, and now things are feeling a bit glum. That’s why I thought I’d start the year with some fun gifts for Valentine’s Day that can also add some freshness and cheer to your home until Spring arrives.

Send these to your loved ones, or treat yourself, and hopefully, they’ll help get this year off to a lovely start!

What’s new? 


I’m so happy that everyone likes when I add these paper houseplants to collections because I love to make them! If you were lucky enough to be the recipient of a Pilea Pal, this PPP Pal would make a perfect companion! (Here’s a hint: there may be more of these coming in the Spring, so it’s not too late to start a collection now either!) These Pink Princess Philodendron leaves are entirely hand-painted, so no two will be alike. Get one while they’re available!

Some of my loyal followers know I’ve experimented with the Angel Wing Begonia in my studio before. When these pots arrived last year, I knew they were the perfect match! I have one on my desk, and it always brightens my day. 

Floral gifts!

I’ve had these special little ceramic envelopes saved in my collection for many months, just waiting for this time to come! I love their subtle ‘xoxo’ embossing and the fact they’re small enough to place on a desk or a nightstand without taking up too much space. Paired with a gorgeous spring palette, this is just the kind of love letter I’d want to get!

I know many have requested I bring back my Juliet Garden Rose bundle, so while I make room for that, here’s a single perfect bloom paired with one of the prettiest bud vases! 

A new Perennial

And finally, I managed to make one sneaky addition to my Perennial Collection just in time for Valentine’s Day: the Blush Garden Rose Blend. I make so many of these roses for custom orders, and I knew it was time to share them with all of you as well.

Shop the Collection

I hope your year is off to a fantastic start, and I can’t wait to see what else 2022 brings!